Monday, May 11, 2009


It is a habit for me to browse through the Star online newspaper every day. I'm usually attracted by news that has interesting headlines (headlines about politics don't attract me).

I bumped into one today that says "HOT, hot, hot till September". My jaw just dropped. :O

I'm not a fan of heat unless I'm at the beach/on a holiday. I don't like heat mainly because I sweat easily. Everyone who knows me well knows that I would sweat by standing under the sun for just a minute. I don't like how the heat can make me very tired/moody.

I don't avoid it because it gives me a tan. (As much as I love to have a healthier colour skin, I can't.) I avoid it because it's not healthy for the skin.

During the days that my dad could not afford an air conditioner in the room, he would usually put a towel behind my back, underneath my shirt to "absorb" my sweat so that I could sleep better. :) (Ahhh.. those were the days. Very pampered.)

Now with air conditioner in every room, I would resist switching it on until I can't stand the heat any longer or when my husband is in the room with me. (He has very low tolerance towards heat.) I do this mainly to save electricity and the earth. (My tolerance for heat can be quite high even though I hate it. I can sleep when there isn't any power supply.I guess my love for sleep is much stronger than my hatred towards heat.)

Clear blue sky.
My grandma would say "This is the perfect weather to dry your clothes!"
I guess all housewives would be thankful for such a weather.

The heat would go on until September! That's 4 more months! As much as I admit, time flies, 4 months of heat can be very unpleasant.

Poor boy.
Dogs or any animals would feel the heat even more. To save them from being dehydrated, keep pails of water outside for them to drink. Nougy tend to sleep beside the pails or against the wall. It helps cool him down.

I must pray every day for God to bring some rain at least 2-3days a week. Mainly to cool down the earth and to avoid any shortage of water supply.

And also for the air conditioning in the KTM Komuter coaches to be in working order. (Imagine getting sandwiched every morning/evening in a train that does not have air conditioning in this weather? You would prefer to walk home!)

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