Just a little update on what I've been doing besides "Mummy + Wife + Employee + Daughter + Sister" Duties.
Besides going on a diet programme, I've been good friends with these weights..
Here's a 10kg Medicine Ball.
Use it when I don't attend any Body Pump class.
Here are my weights for Body Pump.
The ones on the bar are my warm up weight.
You burn this much of calories by doing one Body Pump class + 10 minutes cardio.
If I don't work out at the gym, I'll be doing house work..
And you burn this much of calories by doing 2 hours of house work.
And to strengthen my core and to massage my muscles (my whole body)...
I use these Fit Bars.
I burnt 209kcal doing this for an hour.
I'm loving the results because...
I found my ab lines once again!
Hello again my dear ab lines! :D
Cikumuffin was inspired by many fit people and celebrities that she knows to be this disciplined. Now to eliminate the tendency to "reward" herself. :P