Thursday, April 4, 2013

Making Baby #3: The First Trimester

I have to admit, even though we are overjoyed, thankful and all the happy things that you can think of since we found out that we are pregnant, there's still so much fear in us.

Like even a lil drop of spotting, sends us to "panic" mode or a little bit of cramp, then we'll go.. "HOW AR???"

We behaved like we have never been pregnant before. (We allowed ourselves to have less faith just because things happened.)

After a few weeks, we told ourselves, that we should keep cool, have faith.
Just like how every child is different even though from the same factory.

My first trimester went smoothly. I had the "all day sickness" but I could still manage to keep food in. Could still do my "mummy duties" except that I wasn't allowed to do housework and carry heavy stuff (including my toddler. He's 17kg by the way.)

So this is me at 9 weeks pregnant...

My tummy was already showing but no one noticed it til I was way pass my first trimester. (Now I don't know if that's good or bad.)

Anyhow, the baby is growing well and I'm just so glad the first trimester is over. Of course, there's two more trimesters to go and it comes with all sorts of "worries". 

We will just have to keep praying and have faith! :)

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