Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I want...

My boy is at a phase where he goes around and tell you that he wants everything!
Bring him to a toy store and you will never hear the end of "I want this.." "I want this.." "I want this.."
and he'll always get.. "James, you have that at home." or "James, you have plenty of toys at home."

There's one thing that my son want but can't have every year...that is a birthday party in school.

He's born in December and it's always school holiday then. So he doesn't get to celebrate with his friends in school. So he just have to celebrate his friend's birthday instead. He would come back to tell us that there's a party in class today and it's (friend's name) birthday.

So, Hubby and I decided to just throw him one just before the school holiday starts and we thought it's his last year in Nursery class, it'll be nice for him to be a "baby" before he goes to Kindergarten.

We asked him what cake would he like to have for his birthday, he said "I want (a) Pocoyo Cake!"

So what the boy wants... the boy gets.
We made this! *proud of ourselves*
I baked the cake and the decorations were made by hubby and I.
Hubby and I slept late for a night just to get this cake together. 

My son played a part in preparing for his birthday party..
Let me introduce you to my Junior Chef... James Tan. :P
(The truth is, I have to juggle being a full-time everything. So I have to get him involved just so that I can bake and take care of him at the same time. I was stressed telling him that he can't cut two cookies too close together but he had fun..and it helps his motor skills! *positive thinking*)

Beautiful cookies made by me with my little helper, James.

Hubby and I packed the cookies and put them in little boxes as "party bags".

On that day, our boy was so excited that he skipped to class with joy because we told him that we will be celebrating his birthday in school.

Finally, he's standing in the middle instead of the side watching his friend blow the candle.

Especially when they asked for more cake.. their cute little voices. Awwwww..
OK, I sound very obsessed with them but they are JUST SO CUTE!

I look like a giant invading to cut my son's cake! 

Here's our little family photo!
Ahh.. the things we do for our son.

We love him so much that we decided he should get a haircut on the same day...ahhaa.. so random..
Cute or not??!!??
OK OK, it was an accident, we wanted to give him a little style but we requested for the wrong blade number then this happened..
On a positive's good for our pockets cause his hair grows super fast! Every 3-4weeks he needs a haircut.  (I know la, RM6 haircut not expensive but still....)

Of course, he didn't want a haircut (he HATES haircuts since he was 1.5 years old) but it was the first time that he didn't shed a tear and he didn't even struggle.

Ahh.. our boy's grown up now. *happy tears* 

P/S: In case you think we spoil our child by giving him whatever he wants, we don't. We have to reason out A LOT with him when it comes to his "requests" for almost everything available in the world. That's also when Mummy and Dada need more DHA. -_-"

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