Wednesday, October 22, 2008

confusing day...

It was fantastic news! we have been waiting for it.. but now.. I just feel.. happy & sad. Is it possible to feel that way? maybe that's how people came up with the sentence.. "tears of joy". ahahhaha..

Well, I can't exactly break the news just yet. I'll have to wait til next week. I really hope I don't jinx it. but it does look like 90% confirmed. sigh.
so should I be happy or sad?

And I guess due to this confusion, I ate a lot today. which I'm not suppose to! I haven't been losing weight.. and I only have like 2 months! hahahaa.. 
well, i think i'll give up in the end. Just be myself.. don't care whether I turn out FAT in photos. haha.. YA RITE Yi Lei!

Well, I'm looking forward to some events happening in the next coming weekends! :))
Now these events are not that confusing.. hahahahaha..

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