Our boy has skin made of leather. He picks himself up very quickly after every fall without much fuss.
Today he had a bad fall. Yup,the kind that got my hubby and I rushing up and down cleaning him up and trying to see if he would just stop bleeding.
He cried but it wasn't for long.His bleeding stopped.He could still eat (cos he asked for chips right after we finish cleaning him up.), drink milk from his bottle and then fell asleep.
After waking up from his nap, he still ran around as though the fall never happened.So to answer my question, nope...he doesn't learn from a bad fall.
The photo coming up is not for the weak at heart.
That's how much he bled.
Oh dear...hope he will be much more careful. No more next turn ya.
I certainly pray that there won't be anymore.:/
Hope he is alright now
Thanx Kathy.He's fine...back to his active self almost immediately after the fall. =_=
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