Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chocolate House

I was "spring cleaning" my fridge (Well not much to spring clean, only to throw out whatever that is expired and ignored) and I found SO MANY CHOCOLATES!

Here's our collection of chocolates..
Dark Chocolate with Almonds and without.

Dark Chocolate Teddies for the young one.

 One of my bestie just gave us more chocolates from Melbourne.

I just found out that hubby enjoys eating Snickers. He bought a pack just for himself from the airport after our trip to Kuala Terengganu.

These chocolates are for hubby & son. I'm watching what I eat so I don't really snack on them..

But I know how to make chocolate cake for people to enjoy. :D
This is a Dark Chocolate Honey Cake.

Well, I do get my chocolate fix.. a form of meal replacement.. -_-

Desperate for some chocolate and company? Feel free to pop by my Chocolate House. :P 

Cikumuffin has two chocolate monsters at home and both are boys. ;)

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