Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's deadline not dateline

I find myself telling many people that it's "deadline" not "dateline" when they are refering to a date that we need to hand in something.

My command of English is not all that great. I went through difficult times when I was growing up. My late father forced me to repeat my sentences over and over again when I don't get it right. Of course, my mind is a lot more stubborn than his determination for me to get it right. So I end up speaking mediocre English.

Having said that, I do tend to correct people when they are wrong. (I have my late father to blame. Since he loves correcting me.)
I do hope people don't get irritated or feel as though I'm so "SUPER" whenever I correct them.
(I don't mind you correcting me.I've gone through so much throughout my childhood, I'm really fine with it. We all learn something new every day.)

So it's deadline not dateline.
it's reply and not revert when you are expecting a reply.

Cikumuffin wonders if she have such patience to guide her child(ren) to speak fluent English like how her dad does. God guide me.


Chin KY said...

Yeah, and that Dyson is not a 'fan'... :P

cikumuffin said...

LOL! Yes. It's an air multiplier. How misleading can it be? :P

Adrine said...

Hi, I was just blog-hopping during lunch time when I came across your post.

OMG! I am guilty of using "revert" for reply!!! Had no idea it was wrong. (I googled this topic after I saw your post). Thanks so much for sharing :)

cikumuffin said...

Hey Adrine!

We learn something new everyday! ;)