Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our First- Week 6

Say Hello! to our Jelly bean! :)

I had slight blood stain this week. My mum was very worried. She told me that she would pick me up from work immediately. It was nearing to the end of office hours already.

My colleague told me not to worry as his wife had the same experience. I guess it's our first, so we didn't want to take any chances.

My mum was more worried because she had the same experience and it resulted to miscarriage. She didn't want the same thing to happen to me. As much as I console her that if it's not mine, it won't be mine. She said we should still do our best to keep it. (A mother's love.. ahhhhh...)

So I got to enjoy a good ride home without having to squeeze through the crowd. My mum then sent me straight to my gynae.

The gynae told us that it is normal as my hormones are changing. The blood stain could be due to me not producing enough Oestrogen. So he gave me pills to help me "produce" more of the hormone.

He also advised me to take the next day off and rest at home. (ahhhh...another privilege.)

Can you spot our baby?(from the pic above) hehehe..


The Tiny Me said...

A start of a new life...take good care of yourself gal

Jaclyn Cheng said...

I can see the jelly bean!!